Vancouver Island Premium
Craft Cannabis

welcome to STONEHOUSE

STONEHOUSE Craft Cannabis is the first brand Launched by Mediplant Research Group. We are a small scale micro producer, located on Vancouver Island providing boutique cannabis to the connoisseurs, the real smokers and anyone who wants to experience that top shelf fire grown by industry legends.

Our team has produced two of the highest THC strains on the BC legal market to date, hand-crafted at every point of the process.

our process

Our process is “Craft to the Core”. Each plant is personally taken care of by legendary legacy leader Patrick “Redbeard” Vrolyk –  Small Batch, Hang Dried, Hand Trimmed, Hand Packaged and “Low and Slow” cure methods well-known to legacy leaders.  At STONEHOUSE we are proud of the quality of our legacy craft products!

small batch

We believe in quality over quantity. Small Batch rooms ensure quality care for each plant. Our master grower checks each plant daily to make sure we continue to produce some of the best cannabis in the country.

Our meticulous approach to cultivation, utilizes legacy techniques to optimize our plant’s growth and development.

Being a micro cultivator allows for greater attention to detail, resulting in higher-quality cannabis with enhanced potency, flavor, and aroma.

hand trimmed

Hand trimming allows us to provide a more thorough inspection of each individual bud, ensuring that we only select the highest quality. Our Trimmers meticulously remove any undesirable elements such as excess leaves, stems, or damaged portions, resulting in visually appealing and potent buds

Trichomes are the resin glands on cannabis flowers that contain valuable compounds like cannabinoids and terpenes, which contribute to the plant’s potency and aroma. Hand trimming minimizes the risk of damaging or removing these delicate trichome heads, preserving their integrity and maximizing the overall quality and potency of our final product.

Our hand-trimmed buds have a more visually appealing appearance compared to machine-trimmed ones. Our trimmers carefully shape and contour our buds, creating a more uniform and aesthetically pleasing end product that is visually enticing to our consumers.

hang dried

Our goal is for our buds to retain their natural shape and structure. By suspending the cannabis plants upside down, the weight of the buds is evenly distributed, preventing them from being flattened or distorted. This preservation of the bud structure not only enhances the visual appeal but also ensures a better smoking experience.
Our efficient hang-drying process helps to preserve a higher level of THC and cannabinoids in our cannabis, allowing for better airflow eliminating the risk of mold and mildew.

We hang dry our cannabis to dry slowly and naturally, preserving their delicate terpene profile. Terpenes are aromatic compounds responsible for the distinct flavors and aromas of different cannabis strains, resulting in a more flavorful and aromatic end product.

During our hanging process, the moisture within the buds gradually evaporates, promoting a controlled and gradual curing process. This slow drying helps break down chlorophyll and other undesirable compounds, resulting in a smoother and more enjoyable smoke.

hand dried

Our efficient hang-drying process helps to preserve a higher level of THC and cannabinoids in our cannabis, allowing for better airflow eliminating the risk of mold and mildew.

We hang dry our cannabis to dry slowly and naturally, preserving their delicate terpene profile. Terpenes are aromatic compounds responsible for the distinct flavors and aromas of different cannabis strains, resulting in a more flavorful and aromatic end product.

During our hanging process, the moisture within the buds gradually evaporates, promoting a controlled and gradual curing process. This slow drying helps break down chlorophyll and other undesirable compounds, resulting in a smoother and more enjoyable smoke.
Our goal is for our buds to retain their natural shape and structure. By suspending the cannabis plants upside down, the weight of the buds is evenly distributed, preventing them from being flattened or distorted. This preservation of the bud structure not only enhances the visual appeal but also ensures a better smoking experience.

hand packaged

It’s not what’s “On the bag”, it’s what’s “In the bag”. Every bud is hand selected ensuring every nug has gone through our high level of quality control practices.

Hand packaging allows for greater attention to detail. Packaging personnel can carefully handle the cannabis products, ensuring that they are properly sealed, labeled, and presented. This attention to detail contributes to a professional and visually appealing final product, enhancing the overall customer experience.

Our packaging team handles our products with care, minimizing the potential for crushing, bruising, or other forms of damage that may occur in automated or machine packaging systems. This helps to preserve the visual appeal, potency, and overall quality of our product.
We take pride in our work, ensuring that each package is carefully prepared and presented. Our attention to detail and craftsmanship instill confidence in our consumers and contribute to the overall image which is STONEHOUSE.
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